A nice effect, which lends itself to many uses in the production of films, consists in making an actor cross an obstacle such as a wall. Can our actors go through the walls? Of course, with the Kdenlive superpowers.
One of the most common elements in the world of science fiction and fantasy is the ability of some characters to pass through walls, in all its forms. Sometimes it is used as an expedient for escape from captivity, or as a tool to reach places and complete an important task. It is always something of great effect, because it breaks a very strong belief for the public mentality: the idea that a wall or a steel cage may be enough to block a person. From a conceptual point of view, it is a form of teleportation that takes place on a fourth dimension. It is an idea that physics enthusiasts like a lot because it is realistic, since even in real life we could go through the walls if only we found a way to move in a different spatial dimension from the three that we are used to using. In fact, we travel in a three-dimensional world: width, length and height. But, according to physics, it is only our interpretation: in fact, it is possible that there are other dimensions that our brain cannot see. To give an example, imagine a car on a flat race track: the car can only move in two dimensions, that is, right-left and forward-backward. It cannot use the third dimension, i.e. above-below, because it cannot fly. Now imagine that at a certain point of the track there is a wall that obstructs it: the car could not pass. But if instead he was able to use the third dimension he could easily climb over the obstacle by passing over it, and then continue his run on the rest of the track. With the same logic, if it were not possible to climb over the wall through the third dimension (the height), the fourth dimension could be used to get around the obstacle. Of course, the problem is that so far we have not been able to find a way to take advantage of a possible fourth dimension. And we probably won’t, because the other spatial dimensions are likely to be too small to allow a person to pass through. Only scientific research can definitively resolve the issue in the future. Meanwhile, alternatively, we can pretend to be able to go through a wall thanks to the computer graphics effects of Kdenlive. The effect is quite simple in itself: just use the rotoscope, which we have already learned to appreciate in previous tutorials. We just need to shoot our actor who throws himself against a wall, and then film the room without the actor. By superimposing the image of the empty room on that of the actor, cutting the first (with the rotoscope) at the point of “impact” of the actor against the wall, we can give the illusion that the character has entered the wall itself. This is true if the actor is caught on the side. If, on the other hand, it is taken from the front, the trick is even simpler, because it is enough to use a wipe-like transition to make the actor appear “in spots”. This trick can also be reused for many other situations, such as the passage beyond the mirror (in case you want to make a movie based on “Alice in Wonderland”) or through other objects to make the idea of a ghost. As always, you can see the example video at the following address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzmp0pJdQ70
Beware of the light…
In order for the effect to succeed, it is essential that the overlapping shots, that is the movie that contains the actor and the one that does not contain it, are practically identical. The two shots must differ only in the presence of the actor, all the other objects must appear in the same way, and this means that the lights must also be identical: one shot must not appear brighter than the other. For this reason, it is advisable, if possible, to shoot scenes with manual settings (exposure and aperture, as well as focus) so that they cannot change between shots. Furthermore, always if possible, one should try to cancel the sunlight, working only with artificial lamps. In this way, obviously, when choosing a certain lighting (position and power of the bulbs) we are sure that it cannot change due to some passing cloud. It is also important to pay attention to the shadows: the scene should be illuminated so that no shadows are cast by the actor on the wall. Otherwise you would notice the difference between the shot in which the actor is present and that in which the actor is not there.
Let’s put the clips in place
Let’s start the effect by correctly positioning the video clips

And the actor disappears
We build a wall that “swallows” the actors

Some tweaks for a “realistic” disappearance
We improve the quality of the effect with a “curtain” transition

And now the actor appears on the other side
We can’t just make an actor disappear… we also have to make him reappear