Do you like the idea of making your actors fly? With Kdelive, a green towel, and some small tricks this is possible. And if you use the correct lighting your result will be able to compete with those of the great cinema productions.
Flying actors in films has never been easy. It was necessary to use slings and threads that had to be hidden between the stage costume and the backgrounds. We then began to use iodine vapor backgrounds, or backgrounds made with a color such as to be transparent in Technicolor negatives, and therefore to be easily superimposed on other images, even if obviously this entailed significant problems as regards the superposition of the two shooting, which had to be fixed. The possible movement of the camera had to be perfectly identical on both scenes (the one with the actor on a monochromatic background and the one with the landscape). The computerized editing, however, has solved most of these problems, and today even with Kdenlive we can make good movies in which we make our actors fly. Using the technique of Chroma Key, or the use of a monochromatic background. Of course, we will not use a iodine-colored background but rather a banal cloth or paper of a bright green color. To be clear, the gift card that is found in stationery shops can also be fine if you find one with a color of this type. All we have to do is shoot our actor using the cloth in question as a background: in this way we will have a movie of the actor acting without any other object, because the whole background will be of a uniform green color. If we position the video camera vertically instead of in the usual horizontal position, we can obtain allows the actor to act standing, and the result will appear as if the actor was floating in the air. The beauty is that then with Kdenlive we can simply use the effect Blue screen to decide to make the color green transparent. In a nutshell, to fly our actor we can shoot him on a green background and upload this movie to Kdenlive. Then, always in Kdenlive, we place under this movie (for example in the immediately lower video track) what the real background must be, for example a shot of the sky with some clouds. Then we ask Kdenlive to eliminate the green color from the video of the upper track and you’re done: instead of the green color the sky will appear. Of course, our green fabric could have different shades due to the light. But there is no problem: since there are no limits to the effects for Kdenlive, we can apply the effect several times Blue screen . We simply apply the effect once to make a shade of green disappear. Then we apply it again by selecting a different shade. And we go on like this until the whole background has disappeared perfectly. The beauty of this method is that everything that is green will disappear from the video to be replaced with the image below. So if we want to make any object disappear, just cover it with the green sheet. For example, let’s imagine blowing the actor from a chair: just cover the chair with the same green cloth as the background, and it will disappear. At that point we only have to “replace” the Kdenlive chair with another image (for example a window) and here in the final video the actor will jump out of the window. As always, you can see the example video at the following address:
Eliminate the shadow in the background
To obtain a good chroma key it is important to correctly illuminate the shots on the green sheet. In particular, it is important to try to cancel the shadows cast on the sheet, so as to make it almost a single color. This simplifies the use of the effect Blue screen , because with fewer shades of green, it will be necessary to use fewer effects of this type to obtain a good result. Erasing shadows is not always easy: to begin with, it is necessary to stretch the cloth to eliminate possible creases. Secondly, it is good to work with three light sources: one, the main one, which illuminates the subject. And two more placed on the right and left side of the green cloth, which illuminate the cloth itself, so as to produce a uniform light stronger on it than that which strikes the actor. This means that any shadow produced on the sheet by the actor’s lamp is covered by the light beams that come laterally to the sheet itself.
The first chroma key
We prepare the first scene by deleting the green sheet

Now the actor can fly
We superimpose the image of the actor on that sky sky

The exit from the scene
We move the actor’s clip so that it disappears from the frame

Fall without hurting yourself
We use transitions to drop the actor from the sky