Using Kdenlive's color manipulation effects, it is possible to transform a real movie into a cartoon, giving the illusion that the actors are drawn by hand instead of shot with a video camera.

Using Kdenlive's color manipulation effects, it is possible to transform a real movie into a cartoon, giving the illusion that the actors are drawn by hand instead of shot with a video camera.
We digitally simulate a landscape similar to paradise: very bright and full of moving clouds. Thanks to Kdenlive we can insert an actor into the scene and make him move as if he were really in such an environment, surrounded by a bright glow.
With Kdenlive we can modify the objects that appear in the scenes, for example by making a hole appear in a door, as if it had been smashed by someone with a kick or shotgun. Without really having to destroy a door.
With Kdenlive we can insert real or simulated lightning clips into our videos, both as a thunderstorm effect or as a result of some magic. And to do it you only need a few steps, still having the chance to customize the result.
In many films we see a character "magically" changing connotations transforming himself into another person. The most famous example is the polyjuice potion in the Harry Potter series: using Kdenlive we can replicate the effect at no cost.
Thanks to the effects of Kdenlive we can build a hologram, like those seen in all the great science fiction films. All we need is a video of who will represent the hologram in front of a green sheet.
With Kdenlive it is possible to assemble a completely virtual collage of photos and videos, in order to simulate the movement of a camera on it. A perfect solution for the opening credits of any movie, and for music clips.
Shooting a scene in the rain can be annoying and dangerous. Much better to film under the sun and then add the rain in post-production with Kdenlive. Using a couple of tricks we can get a realistic result.
Thanks to the power of computer graphics, it is possible to walk on a body of water without the need for miracles, superpowers, or illusionist tricks. All you need is Kdenlive and the right video footage.
We use Kdenlive and GIMP to create a title: we transform a frame into a drawing, color it, and insert the text. We will also add transitions to animate the title entering the scene.